Litsemba Group Funeral Cover is affordable in terms of premium and benefits.

Membership of the Scheme

To gain membership to the scheme you must open any savings account with the SBS to facilitate premium payments by Stop Order.

Maximum Age of Joining

The maximum age of joining is 64 years for principal members.

Waiting period:
  • 3 months waiting period for principal members, 6 months waiting period for children, parents and parents in-law.
  • 0 waiting period in case of an accident
  • Benefits are limited to principal member, 1 spouse, and up to 6 unmarried children within the ages of 0 - 21 or up to the age of 25 years for children who are full-time students in a recognized academic institution.
  • Benefits for parents and parents-in-law shall be: E3000 subject to an additional premium of E25.50 per parent (or parents-in-law).
Claims submission and processing

SBS is authorized by SRIC to settle claims on the same day provided the claimant produces the following original documentation in support of the claims:

  • Death of principal member: - Confirmation of death letter, member’s death certificate, mortuary letter , Chiefdom letter, ID and birth certificate of claimant
  • Death of spouse: - Death certificate and marriage certificate
  • Death of child: - Death certificate and child’s birth certificate
  • Death of parent: - Death certificate and member’s birth certificate
  • Death of parent-in-law: - Death certificate, member’s marriage certificate and spouse’s birth certificate.